Action Teams

Action Teams are an integral part of the Alliance for Early Childhood Home Visiting. They provide a mechanism for local programs and state-level partners to provide input and support on statewide strategies and projects. Action Teams develop recommendations for design and implementation of key elements of the Virginia Plan for Home Visiting. 

Professional Development Action Team

The Professional Development Action Team serves as an advisory committee for all of the professional development offerings of Early Impact Virginia (EIV). The PDAT has representatives from EIV member programs at the state and local levels, EIV partner programs, as well as a home visitor and home visiting supervisor. If you’re interested in being a representative, please contact us at

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Data Action Team

The Data Action Team serves as an advisory and planning committee for all of the data initiatives and research done across Virginia’s home visiting models. The DAT has representatives that typically hold data and/or evaluation positions from EIV member programs and Virginia state agencies. If you’re interested in being a representative, please contact info@early

Conference Planning Committee

The Conference Planning Committee is responsible for the development of agenda, theme and concepts for Early Impact Virginia’s biannual conference. Members help identify and contact speakers, determine topics for breakout sessions, plan activities and promote the event within their sphere of influence. The committee convenes 18-months prior to the conference and meets bi-monthly for 12 months, then more frequently as needed leading up to the day of the event. If you’re interested in being a representative, please contact

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The MIECHV team is a collaborative working team comprised of representatives from Early Impact Virginia, Virginia Department of Health, James Madison University, and representatives from the three funded home visiting programs in Virginia: Healthy Families, Parents as Teachers and Nurse-Family Partnership. Goals for the MIECHV Team include streamlining processes and communications among state level partners so that the administrative burden on local implementing agencies is decreased, and fostering a culture of innovation and excellence among MIECHV grant partners. If you’re interested in learning more, contact Andelicia Neville.